Thursday, March 1, 2018

Blended Learning

In the class of Instructional Technology  we use the blended learning through ourselves and through Brightspace that University  offered it for students, in contrast, the ineffective ways just workgroups.
I believe that the blended learning now is one of most way that help students to improve their skills and get the maximum benefits from their subjects that they learned it in school. This kind of learn depends on tools of technology such as, personal computer, smart devices This kind of learning gives many opportunities to students to choose the right way to learn. Student can work alone or in work group, also students have all day to keep learning with their teachers through the internet, get feedback about their learning and grades. Teachers can assist students all the time through blended learning. Parents can monitor their kid’s skills, grades and connect with school.
The most striking thing that I took from Stacy's presentation was when she defines the blended learning and how can student control their time, place, path and pace. The models that she mentioned were very clear and it help with blended learning, also she described the variety drivers of blended learning very well. She covered most details Mindsets, qualities, adaptive skills and technical skill. I think it will effect on my learning, because I will follow all the blended learning to have most abilities and skill that help improve my self during my educational journey.

The Cool Tool that I explained it in the last blog about Nearpod is very related with Blended Learning because it depend on the learn from any place, time, and devices. Visit my blog about Nearpod

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