Monday, March 19, 2018

Digital Learning Spaces

Digital Learning Spaces
In my opinion I think that the good learn space have to have these points to improve the students skills and provide them with all knowledges in school environment, these point are:
·         Effective: Provides many materials that are dealt with in manual work and are explored ..
·         Elasticity: Provides multiple options for: learning experiences, ways to form groups of children, and learning space.
·         Interactive: Adults and children discuss and ask questions and discuss the following among them.
·         Resource-rich: Materials that encourage children to think, solve problems, respond and innovate.
·         Respectful: Accepts different beliefs, perspectives and abilities in a partnership-based relationship.
·         Collaborative: multiple roles for all.
I think University of Akron for example, have provided these factors for their students beside the electronic ways either Brightspace or social networks. In addition, google for example have offered Google apps to help learner such as Google classroom.
I found this clip on YouTube, Watch it :)

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